Final EOTO

 Illusory Truth Effect:

Illusory Truth Effect is when people receive false information repeatedly and most likely believe false information because it’s repeated over and over again. The Illusory Truth Effect can affect everyone whether you like it or not. The implications of this effect can be very harmful for our society. It could spread through social media and it can spread fast to a huge number of people at one time. It might be a good thing to use if you want to sell a product. The marketing team could lie to their audience and say that it’s the best product in the world and people will believe it and buy the product. The bad can be misinforming people when there is a crisis and believing whatever the politician, TV host, or celebrity said and acting on whatever information they got. When there is a crisis, it’s extremely important for you to know the right information.

The Illusory truth effect can affect every aspect of our society. Some ways it can affect are medical beliefs, misrepresent politics, candidates of politics, social media, media, burying information, and can further divide us as a society. There are a lot of ways it can affect medical beliefs such as the Covid-19 vaccines and getting testing. A lot of people don’t think the disease Covid-19 is real. On Fox news they spread a lot of false news about Covid-19 and the vaccines. People don’t want to wear masks “because they can’t breathe” in them. Studies have shown that your oxygen level doesn’t make a difference if you wear a mask. In the media they can find out information and give it to everyone but still instill fear in people who are scared. For instance, people were scared of going to riots because all the media ever covered was when the police had to take action because people were rioting and looting buildings. Most of the protests were peaceful up until the police started the violence and people were running to safety. On social media, people can spread fake news on things that have happened in the news or what they can do to improve their well being and things to do to be financially stable. For instance, people who use TikTok can find videos helping them with their financial problems. Another type of video you can find on TikTok is informational stuff about places paying you to go on vacations and to make videos on it.

It can affect any minority or majority of people. People almost always believe anything they find on the internet or on television. Our society assigns clothing items for certain genders. Not only that but It keeps people in boxes. Rich people will continue to have misconceptions about poor people. The same can go with the rich people. Rich people have the reputation of being stuck up or heartless. Interacial couples aren’t a great subject if you’re in the south because a lot of people don’t agree that all people should be equal and have equal opportunities to be successful.

This can affect my everyday life because I am an Asian-American who lives in our society, but doesn’t have a family that looks like me. I was adopted from China and my entire family is white/coasian. My family doesn’t meet the standard for a “normal” family. Growing up I always got stared at from others in public because it’s not normal to see an asian face in a different looking family. When I was younger it was really hard to ignore the stares so I would stare back at them. As I got older I got used to people looking at me and my family. My generation is a lot more conscientious about different cultures and respecting/accepting one another as they are. But the Illusory Truth Effect is always going to be a part of our lives because of technology. Gen Z grew up learning the technologies as they came out and we knew what it was like to not have the technology we have today.
