The Progressive Era


When I was growing up, my parents raised me to have the mentality to be against any violence. My parents censored me from watching certain tv shows and sports because they’re against violence. Even though I haven’t always been keen on violence, I have never heard of the websites, and American Conservative before learning about it in class. While looking at these websites, I saw multiple opinion pieces on the government and breaking news on what’s happening around the United States. While I do have my belief system and morals, it’s refreshing to hear the other side of things because then there could be debate and understanding between multiple sides of each party. After exploring both of these websites, I wondered why these websites aren’t in mainstream news and media. As I was thinking, I realized there might be some censorship. I remembered that the government passed the Sedition Act back in May of 1918. The Sedition Act was when the government took some of the people’s freedom of speech away from them while World War 1 was happening; which meant they couldn’t talk about the war. Another reason why these websites aren’t in the mainstream news and media would maybe be because people could think it’s not patriotic. Besides, the United States has always been violent from the start. In my point of view, I think these websites should be accepted in our society and the media because it’s good to talk about these things and be open-minded of other people’s opinions. Everyone’s voices should be heard.
