Key Post- Eight Values of Free Expression

 Cancel Culture

In class, we have talked about the eight speech theories for different scenarios; Marketplace of ideas, Participation in Self Government, Stable Change, Individual Self-Fulfillment, Check on Government Power, Promote Tolerance, Promote Innovation, and Protect Dissent. First of all, the Marketplace of Ideas is when people exchange ideas freely. With that said, this means that anyone with a different viewpoint can talk about things. Even if they are against a topic, they still can talk about why they are against it. Participation in Self Government is when expresses the importance of informed electorates in debates. Stable Change is the idea that people can freely express their feelings because they are less likely to resort to violence. Individual Self-Fulfilment is when you are allowed to express yourself, which leads to creating your own identity. Check on Government Power is when people have the freedom of the press to learn about the abuse of power the government holds. Promote Tolerance is when people have the freedom to say a hateful speech to educate our society on what’s inappropriate behavior when others are expressing or speech. Promote Innovation is when people have the freedom to express themselves, whether they’re from different communities or in creative ways. Protect Dissent is when the government protects minority views, it doesn’t matter if you agree or disagree with the idea of government. Cancel culture is prevalent in what is happening in our society, and it can be a problem.  

A few of the speech theories in cancel culture are Marketplace of Ideas, Stable Change, and Protect Dissent. These three theories relay back on the cancel culture that is happening in our society right now. I was looking up some examples of cancel culture, and yesterday, I found an article about republicans attacking cancel culture. People have the right to call politicians or citizens out on mistakes they have made, whether it is what they say on social media or if it is something they say on camera. With this is a perfect example of what the protected dissent speech theory secures within the first amendment. With everything President Joe Biden has done thus far throughout his presidency, I do not like everything he has done; I believe he has tried to get all of us to unite as one. Not only that, he has a woman as Vice President. In a cancel culture with a marketplace of ideas, you can express your opinions and hear other people’s views on the topic to come to a middle ground. Everyone gets a chance to say their piece and listen to one another. The last speech is stable change, and I strongly agree with what this theory does. It’s when you can freely express your feelings, and you’re less likely to resort to violence. In my personal opinion, if you talk about the mistake a creator made on social media, it would end much better than if you get into an altercation with the creator.
